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Blue Star

Blue Star

Blue Star

"I have the freedom to be the star that I AM.”
It’s as if the flower wants to speak for itself. It works on a very deep level to reach into the soul to create a resonance with who we truly are, allowing any stuck limiting thought/belief patterns to fall away. It assists us to be balanced and to realise who we are truly meant to be, to release lessons and focus on the positive. It is used in conjunction with borage which gives us the courage to step up into that place.
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In November 2008 I made a flower essence. Intuitively I asked Tim, my son, to video the process. Magic occurred as the flowers were placed in the water. 

It is a most gorgeous little ground creeper that was given to me by a lovely friend. (I am still tracking down its botanical name. My garden is full of plants that I know not by their own name but by those who gave them to me.)

It’s as if the flower wants to speak for itself. “I have the freedom to be the star that I AM.” It works on a very deep level to reach into the soul to create a resonance with who we truly are, allowing any stuck limiting thought/belief patterns to fall away. I like to use it in conjunction with borage which gives us the courage to step up into that place.

The following story explains well how the essence works; if we think of the essence as the spring..

We were still living in Auckland and making excursions down to Port Waikato. On one such visit Tony noticed water spilling out over a group of rocks near the road. Sharing this with me we set off to find the source. Not too far away we discovered a new spring bubbling up out of the ground. It had been dry for some months so it couldn’t just be run-off.  Fascinated and excited with this discovery we bottled some to use as our drinking water. Encouraged by a marked improvement in our health we kept returning for more. I found myself leaving Tony at the rocks filling the bottles with this restorative water, while I scrambled up the hill to go to the source. What unfolded was such a powerful experience the symbology of which I feel will be so helpful in today’s times.

I learned that when a new spring begins it meanders its way over the hard ground finding the easiest path to travel. The ground absorbing the water becomes damp and eventually one great big bog. I had such an aversion to mud; all I could SEE was MUD! Yet something inside kept pulling at me to go to the source! At first I only found my way because I knew the general vicinity of the spring. Over time a small pool formed and a groove began to be worn in the ground as the mud was gently and continuously washed away. The area that once was a bog began to drain into the crevasse making it easier to find my way to the little pool. As the pool increased in size it became more still. I became less aware of the continuous bubbling occurring at its depths, washing away the mud, thus constantly increasing the capacity of the pool. One fine still day the pool was there for me yet I didn’t see the pool I saw nothing but reflection in its stillness!