I see mothers standing up to the chaos of this world, Warm love sheltering little boys and girls, I see fathers’ kind embrace saying all will be OK, His heart like fire burns to show the way
To Our New Eden A Sacred Garden Found in Freedom Our New Eden
I see spirits near broken by this heart hearden age, I see them one by one will fly from their cage, Like birds of paradise, together now they show The colours and the sign of a double rainbow.
Of Our New Eden A Sacred Garden Found in Freedom Our New Eden
Secrecy will fade before the light, Everything built on a lie will crumble and die, As we leave behind the tired and worn out paradigms, We each will find our new paradise.
To Our New Eden A Sacred Garden Found in Freedom Our New Eden

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A Poem
From the heart of the heavens to the heart of the new earth
Let us be joined together as one great light and laughter,
May our song and joy be always filled with wonder and gratitude
With all beings cherished as a part of the one.
As the bird soars effortlessly high on the wind
May we all spread our wings and fly too with surging spirit and gentle grace,
And in the stillness of our hearts
May we all find ourselves with deep and joyful knowing
And thereby see and appreciate each other
As a part of the one that holds all in its arms...
And may the love and joy and the unending song of the universe
play always on in the merry dance of our lives.
Be blessed and happy always – David, Nelson