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Ringing Cedar Series - Book Reviews

“I have been reading the Ringing Cedars Series of books by Vladimir Megre I am so inspired by their simplistic beauty I felt I had to share with you the impact this is having on my life. 
The Series begins with Anastasia Book 1 and continues from there.  It shows the connection between nature and ourselves and how far away we have become from being truly connected to nature/our universe.  It gives insight and inspiration about ourselves, each-other, our children, growing our own vegetables/gardens and working with the earth, the importance of our own personal relationship with our earth and so much more.  Never have I experienced a book as moving as this series; it has quite simply changed my life in simplistic and beautiful ways.  For those of you who wish to be closer to the divine/nature/true selves then this is a Series for you.  It is like feeding the soul on a deep level.”
Rose Renton,  Takaka

These stunning books enable the many who buy them to take on a different but more important view of the reason we all exist. I especially thank Anastasia and Megre. No one who reads these will be left unaffected in a positive way, even those who feel negative, as these feelings arise to be cleared. I have read so much on spiritual subjects and find these books to have a profound impact.
Anthony Wright, Motueka

Full of ecological common sense and profound wisdom, The Ringing Cedars Series reveals a genuine spiritual path to a world where Love is the primary creative force behind real physical events. It shows how our thoughts and lifestyles affect the destiny of the whole planet and guides us in creating a space for happiness and Love for ourselves, our children and our Earth.
Dr Richard Bolstad, Christchurch, New Zealand
Author of RESOLVE: a new NLP model of therapy

Anastasia is wonderful! I truly believe this is the book that will make all religious systems and all social structures respond. It is so much in tune with mankind’s transformation that takes place and will immensely contribute to that transformation in the best possible way — ­practically, metaphysically, theologically, philosophically...

The freedom that this book carries in its life-concept for individuals and the society as a whole is so beautiful that everybody who reads the book will respond and will become a better person than what he or she was before reading it! It only takes to have an open mind and be ready to accept Anastasia not as a fiction but rather as a living person next door! Just a bit different from you and me.

Of course we, “very well educated people”, find it hard to admit that the lifestyle we have in this society is pretty close to slavery compared to the potential for freedom, for love, for compassion, for God in ourselves. We are losing sight of higher values and are running after dollars, mortgage and garbage...

Thanks a lot for bringing this wonderful book into the English language! Thanks for the joy and love this book will trigger in the souls of people in the English-speaking world! I sincerely hope it will help to avoid some of the ‘predestined’ paths for us people on this continent. Thanks for giving me an opportunity to become a better person myself and for offering this gift to us all!
Rada, Toronto, Canada

 "The Ringing Cedars books have indeed been a Life Saviour for me, changing me back to where I once was as a child, giving me renewed hope! I think that we were all a little bit like Anastasia when we were children, we were possibly just not allowed to remember…”
Cissy, UK

“I received a copy of Anastasia two days ago and read it entirely! It is difficult finding the words to express how much it means to me and how powerfully I am impacted by it. It's almost as if my mind and heart have been prepared to read this book for years! I've found a treasure for which I have been desperately searching!”
Brian, USA

In 1996 I spent a day in the Australian bush with an aboriginal woman. This was my first encounter of what I call a ‘natural human’. Her connectedness with nature blew me away and I wanted that for myself and all mankind. Likewise, Anastasia is in total harmony with nature and gives practical steps to rekindle in us that which is our true essence. I cannot even begin to describe the depth of the effect Anastasia has had on me. For the first time in my life I feel affirmed on a very deep level and feel free to be me.
Mary Dwen, New Zealand

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